Lending Library
Chapel Members may request to borrow a book and it will be be brought to the next Eucharist service or seasonal ceremony for them. Generally, books should be returned within One-twomonths and brought back to the next Chapel service or seasonal ceremony.
- Practical Mysticism Edward Lee
- Seeking God Esther de Waal
- The English Mystical Tradition David Knowles
- Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism Gershom Scholem
- Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen Gabriele Uhlein
- Return to the Centre Bede Griffiths
- Mysticism R.A. Gilbert
- Mysticism: A Study & Anthology F.C. Happold
- Jewish Meditation Aryah Kaplan
- Meditation Mouni Sadhu
- Meditation: An In-depth Guide Gawler & Bedson
- The Path of Centering Prayer David Frenette
- The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations Caitlin Matthews
The Grail & Celtic Mysteries
- The Mysteries of the Grail Julius Evola
- Orders of the Quest: The Holy Grail Manly P. Hall
- Merlin & The Grail Tradition Gareth Knight
- At the Table of the Grail John Matthews
- The Household of the Grail John Matthews
- The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend Gareth Knight
- Ladies of the Lake Caitlin & John Matthews
- Grail Alchemy: Celtic Mystery Tradition Mara Freeman
Esoteric Christianity & Theurgy
- Theurgy Mouni Sadhu
- The Science of the Sacraments C.W. Leadbeater
- The Priestly Ideal Geoffrey Hodson
- The Cross and the Grail Robert Ellwood
- Priests, Gnostics & Magicians Siobhan Houston
- Prayers of the Cosmos Neil Douglas-Klotz
- Inner Christianity: Esoteric Tradition Richard Smoley
Philosophy, Psychology, & Theosophy
- The Study of Human Nature Stevenson
- Ten Theories of Human Nature Stevenson & Haberman
- Psychology & the Spiritual Traditions R.J. Stewart
- The Four Archetypes Carl Jung
- Man and His Symbols Carl Jung
- A Psychology with a Soul: Psychosynthesis Jean Hardy
- Celebrating the Southern Seasons Juliet Batten
- The Druid Source Book John Matthews
- The Book of Druidry Ross Nichols
- The Druid Renaissance Phillip Car Gomm
- The Way of the Bard Yvonne Owens
- The Path of Druidry Billington
- The Celtic Druids Year John King
- Celtic Tree Mysteries Steve Blamires
- Ritual: A Guide to Life, Love, Inspiration Emma Restall-Orr
- The Celtic Way Ian Bradley
- Restoring the Woven Cord: Strands of Celtic Spirituality for Today Michael Mitton
- Listening to the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality J. Phillip Newell
- Christ of the Celts J. Phillip Newell
- A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth & The Human Soul J. Phillip Newell
- Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom John O'Donohue
- To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings John O'Donohue
- Elements of Celtic Christianity Anthony Duncan
- Celtic Christian Spirituality Mary C. Earle
- The Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations Claire Hamilton
- Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers & Blessings Caitlin Matthews
- The Celtic Wheel of the Year: Celtic & Christian Seasonal Prayers Tess Ward
- A Celtic Liturgy Pat Robson
- Celtic Daily Prayer (Book 1) The Northumbria Community
- Iona Abbey Worship Book The Iona Community
- Seeking God: The Way of St Benedict Esther de Waal
- The Celtic Way of Prayer & Every Earthly Blessings Esther de Waal
- The Celtic Reader & A Glastonbury Reader John Matthews
- Celtic Threads: Exploring the Wisdom of Our Heritage Edited by Padraigin Clancy
- Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: Celtic Practice Praying with Elements Christine Valters Paintner
- Adamnon of Iona: The Life of Columba Richard Sharp (Translated by)
- The Cry of the Deer: Meditations on the Hymn of St Patrick David Adam
- Tides & Seasons: Modern Prayers in the Celtic Tradition David Adam
- Wisdom of the Celtic Saints Edward Sellner
- Celtic Vision: Prayers, Blessings, Songs, Invocations (Carmina Gaedelica) Esther de Waal (Ed)
- Threshold of Light: Daily Readings from the Celtic Tradition Compiled by A. M. Allchin & Esther De Waal
- Water from an Ancient Well: Celtic Spirituality for Modern Life Kenneth McIntosh
- Original Blessing (Creation Spirituality) Matthew Fox